PathfindToBestObject Command
A command that automatically navigates the robot to approach detected game objects. This command handles full autonomous navigation to game elements, calculating appropriate approach positions while accounting for robot dimensions.
Required Subsystems
Constructor Parameters
public PathfindToBestObject(
ObjectDetectionSubsystem objectDetectionSubsystem,
SwerveDriveSubsystem swerveDriveSubsystem,
GameElement... targetGameElementNames)
- objectDetectionSubsystem
: The subsystem handling object detection
- swerveDriveSubsystem
: The subsystem controlling robot movement
- targetGameElementNames
: Array of game elements to target, in priority order. The robot will navigate to the highest-priority detected element.
Configuration Requirements
The command requires proper configuration of: 1. Robot Physical Dimensions - Bumper length and width in Constants.tunerConstants - These dimensions are used to calculate safe approach distances
- Path Planning Parameters
- Any PathPlanner constraints required by the swerve drive subsystem
- These affect how the robot navigates to the target position
Behavior Details
- Identifies highest-priority detected game element
- Calculates optimal approach position based on:
- Robot bumper dimensions
- Approach angle to target
- Game element position and orientation
- Generates and executes path to approach position
- Command times out after 0.1 seconds but generated path continues executing
For detailed method documentation, refer to the JavaDoc reference.