SwerveDrive Subsystem
The SwerveDrive subsystem is a sophisticated drive system that enables omnidirectional movement of the robot. It manages four swerve modules (each containing drive and turn motors), handles odometry calculations, and provides autonomous path-following capabilities.
Commands that use the subsystem
- DefaultDrive Command: Provides standard teleoperated control
- DriveFacingAngle Command: Maintains a specific robot heading while driving
- DriveFacingPose Command: Orients the robot to face a target position while driving
- Characterization Commands: Used for system identification and calibration
Configuration Requirements
Hardware Requirements
- Four Swerve Drive Modules (Front Left, Front Right, Back Left, Back Right)
- Each module requires:
- Drive motor with encoder
- Turn motor with absolute encoder
- Each module requires:
- Gyroscope (NavX, Pigeon, or similar IMU)
Configuration in TunerConstants
All configuration is handled through TunerConstants, including: - Module configurations (gear ratios, conversions, PID values) - PathPlanner settings - Holonomic drive controller settings - Module positions and dimensions - Maximum velocity and acceleration limits - Drive characterization values (kS, kV, kA) - Wheel radius parameters - Absolute encoder offsets
See the JavaDoc Reference for detailed configuration options.
Additional Notes
- Odometry updates run on a separate high-frequency thread
- Vision measurements can be incorporated for pose estimation
- Supports both teleop and autonomous operation
- PathPlanner integration for autonomous path following
- Built-in system identification capabilities for tuning