Interface BlingIO

All Known Implementing Classes:
BlingIOReal, BlingIOSim

public interface BlingIO
Interface for controlling LED lighting functionality on the robot. Provides methods for setting animations, solid colors, and managing LED states.
  • Nested Class Summary

    Nested Classes
    Modifier and Type
    static class 
    Data structure for logging LED state information.
    static final record 
    Record class representing an RGB color value for LED control.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    default void
    Clears the current animation, stopping any running patterns.
    default void
    Clears the current solid color, turning off all LEDs.
    default void
    setAnimation(com.ctre.phoenix.led.Animation animation)
    Sets a new animation pattern for the LEDs.
    default void
    Sets the LEDs to display a solid color.
    default void
    Updates the input values for logging and monitoring.
  • Method Details

    • updateInputs

      default void updateInputs(BlingIO.BlingIOInputs inputs)
      Updates the input values for logging and monitoring.
      inputs - The inputs object to update with current state
    • setAnimation

      default void setAnimation(com.ctre.phoenix.led.Animation animation)
      Sets a new animation pattern for the LEDs.
      animation - The animation pattern to display
    • clearAnimation

      default void clearAnimation()
      Clears the current animation, stopping any running patterns.
    • setSolidColor

      default void setSolidColor(BlingIO.LoggedColor color)
      Sets the LEDs to display a solid color.
      color - The color to display
    • clearSolidColor

      default void clearSolidColor()
      Clears the current solid color, turning off all LEDs.