DriveFacingBestObject Command
A command that automatically rotates the robot to face detected game objects while allowing manual translation control. The command enables semi-automated gameplay by handling rotation while letting drivers control forward/backward and sideways movement.
Required Subsystems
Constructor Parameters
public DriveFacingBestObject(
ObjectDetectionSubsystem objectDetectionSubsystem,
SwerveDriveSubsystem swerveDriveSubsystem,
GameElement... targetGameElementNames)
- objectDetectionSubsystem
: The subsystem handling object detection
- swerveDriveSubsystem
: The subsystem controlling robot movement
- targetGameElementNames
: Array of game elements to target, in priority order. The robot will face the highest-priority detected element.
Behavior Details
- Automatically rotates to face the highest-priority detected game element
- Allows full manual control of translation (forward/backward/sideways)
- Falls back to standard manual drive when no objects are detected
- Includes brief manual rotation override capability with 0.1s timeout
- Integrates with both DriveFacingPose and DefaultDrive commands
For detailed method documentation, refer to the JavaDoc reference.