All Implemented Interfaces:
Sendable, Subsystem, StateTransitionLogger

public class LocalizationFusion extends SubsystemBase implements StateTransitionLogger
The LocalizationFusion subsystem manages robot pose estimation by fusing data from multiple sources. It primarily uses Oculus Quest SLAM for continuous tracking, with AprilTag detection as a backup and validation source. The system handles initialization, validation, and switching between sources based on their availability and reliability.
  • Constructor Details

    • LocalizationFusion

      public LocalizationFusion(PoseVisionConsumer poseConsumer, OculusPoseSource oculusSource, AprilTagPoseSource aprilTagSource, org.littletonrobotics.junction.networktables.LoggedDashboardChooser<Command> autoChooser)
      Creates a new LocalizationFusion subsystem.
      poseConsumer - The consumer interface that will receive pose updates
      oculusSource - The primary pose source using Quest SLAM
      aprilTagSource - The secondary pose source using AprilTags
  • Method Details

    • periodic

      public void periodic()
      Periodic update method called by the command scheduler. Handles system state updates, source initialization, and pose processing.
      Specified by:
      periodic in interface Subsystem
    • requestResetOculusPoseViaAprilTags

      public boolean requestResetOculusPoseViaAprilTags()
      Manually triggers a pose reset using the current AprilTag pose.
      true if reset was initiated successfully
    • requestResetOculusPose

      public boolean requestResetOculusPose(Pose2d targetPose)
      Manually triggers a pose reset to a specific pose.
      targetPose - The pose to reset to
      true if reset was initiated successfully
    • logTransition

      public void logTransition(LocalizationState.State from, LocalizationState.State to)
      Logs state transitions with descriptive messages.
      Specified by:
      logTransition in interface StateTransitionLogger
      from - The previous state
      to - The new state